- Mon - Sat: 8.00 - 18.00
- 411 University St, Seattle
- +1-800-456-478-23
What will humans evolve into in the next century
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Singularity, Tech ai, android, artificial intelligence, business, college, cyborg, education, entrepreneur, future, lean, learn, money, podcast, robot, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
I’ve always been considered a futurist and big fan of science fiction. More recently I’ve been having conversations with people about where humans are headed next. So I figured I might as well create an episode about what I believe humans will evolve into over the course of the next 100 years or more: Here’s […]
How to avoid mistakes and succeed in your business
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In this episode I go over a handful of mistakes to avoid when starting a business or running a startup. I also talk about the things that you should do in order to succeed. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support this small business, […]
Why investors should invest in entrepreneurs not ideas
Jason Sherman Featured, Money, Podcast, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
This episode gives you some insight as to why investors should invest in entrepreneurs instead of just ideas. There are so many failures out there, and a lot of times it’s because investors fund companies that are started by people with connections of some kind. What about the thousands of other entrepreneurs out there who […]
Startup Journey #6 with Sarah St. John
Jason Sherman Featured, Podcast, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In my exclusive series Startup Journey, I discuss the challenges, mistakes, and successes that entrepreneurs have had over the years. In this episode I speak with author Sarah St. John the Frugalpreneur! If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support this small business, feel free […]
5 Tips to Succeed as an Entrepreneur
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
Being a successful business owner or entrepreneur isn’t easy. And getting started is pretty challenging. In this episode I give you 5 tips to help you succeed along the way. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support this small business, feel free to donate […]
Startup Journey #5 with Krishna Mohan
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
16 In my special series Startup Journey, I discuss the challenges, mistakes, and successes that entrepreneurs have had over the years. In this episode I speak with successful entrepreneur, business coach, and author Krishna Mohan. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support this small […]
How to choose a team for your startup or business
Jason Sherman Featured, Podcast audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
Choosing a cofounder for your startup, or hiring the right interns or employees for your business is always challenging. In this episode I give you some ideas on how you can make this a bit easier along with some tricks you can implement. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and […]
Why Quibi Failed and 3 ways it could have Succeeded
Jason Sherman Podcast, Startups audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman raised $1.75 billion to build and launch a short video platform. In this episode I explain why they failed and the 3 ways they could have succeeded instead had they followed typical startup steps. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to […]
Why raising money for your startup is a waste of time
Jason Sherman Money, Podcast, Startups audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
In this episode I give you a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t focus on raising money for your business. Fundraising is a full time job and often ends in disappointment. As a business owner you should be focusing on more important things. I go over those things in this episode. If you enjoyed this […]
Why Organization and Lists are important for any business
Jason Sherman Podcast, Startups audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
In this episode I talk about how I organize my file structure to make collaborating on projects easier. Also I give an example on what a marketing list looks like for a startup, so that you can set goals for your company. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if […]
The top 3 challenges when raising $1 million for your startup
Jason Sherman Featured, Money, Podcast, Startups audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
This episode focuses on the top 3 challenges when you raise money for your startup. Everyone thinks that once you raise $1 million that things get easier. They don’t. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support this small business, feel free to donate via […]
Startup Journey #4 with Steve Brown author of The Golden Toilet
Jason Sherman Featured, Podcast, Startups audio, business, college, education, entrepreneur, learn, podcast, startup, student, technology
This is episode 4 of my series “Startup Journey” and features Steve Brown, the author of The Golden Toilet – available on Amazon. We talk about the challenges and advantages to being an entrepreneur or business owner. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe and share this podcast, and if you’d like to further support […]