A realistic guide to building and scaling your startup.

After years of repeating the same strategies in various companies and seeing success in some of them, this book was written to help decrease the risk associated with building a new startup. Everything in this guidebook can be easily duplicated by anyone. All you need is determination, patience, and the willingness to learn new things.

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These are just 6 of the 50+ topics you will learn in this book. You won’t learn this stuff in school, that’s for sure.

Validate your idea – Everyone thinks their idea is worth a million bucks. In this book you will learn how to properly validate it.
Target Market – How do you know exactly who your market is? You will learn how to figure that out, and how to target them.
Monetization – Learning how to earn revenue from your business is instrumental in your success. So let’s learn how to monetize!
Scale your company – It’s hard enough to build your company, but scaling it is another thing. Learn how to properly scale.
Data Driven Decisions – Whenever you make a choice, it should be backed by data. This book will teach you how to do just that.
Minimum Viable Product – Before you build a full blown company you will need to test your theory by building an MVP. Well let’s get started!



Sonia Lemus – Cofounder / Kinokoa – “After spending thousands of dollars building an app and failing, I read Jason’s book. Now I have a clear path to building a data-backed MVP!”
Josh Kerman – Student & Entrepreneur / Champlain College – “As a student, it’s been challenging to jump into the world of startups. After reading Jason’s book, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world. Now I have the information I need to create my first tech startup!”
Devon Logan – Founder / Miles – “Before reading Jason’s book, I was a newbie to the tech world. Now I have an arsenal of tools to help me grow my new tech startup along with the wisdom needed to succeed!”

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