In this episode, I give you three reasons why you should embrace failure. You might see the news highlighting successful entrepreneurs or startups that raised $100 million, or they were purchased by a bigger company for $1 billion. The news glamorizes successful celebrities, musicians, authors, or just people in the entertainment industry who succeeded because […]
In this episode I talk to entrepreneur and web developer Nathan Bynum on how to create a landing page for your business. Not only that but we touch on a few points as to why you should create one in the first place. Learn some simple tips to build a landing page from yours truly, […]
In today’s episode of Future Tech I ask the question, what is real. Because in this world of social constructs, everything is created by people in society. Nothing is really an objective reality, because people in society say that they mean something, or a large group of people agree and accept things the way they […]
In today’s episode of Future Tech I talk about virtual reality. In 2014, Facebook acquired the virtual reality company Oculus for $2 Billion. At one point I bought an Oculus Rift VR headset to see what all the hype was about, and I wrote an article about it. More recently, I noticed in the news […]
In today’s episode I’m going to tell you the top three things that you should do when thinking about starting a podcast. A lot of people recently have been telling me they want to start a podcast, and some of them are experts in different fields whether healthcare, history, or business. They say they want […]
In this episode of Future Tech, I want to give you 10 reasons how robots could make our lives easier and better. Now we’ve seen a lot of robots in science fiction movies such as Star Wars where they helped our friends, or Terminator where the machines took over the world and started killing all […]
In this episode of Future Tech I talk about the types of ways drones can help society, whether through medical, supply chain, surveillance, and other types of uses. One day drones will deliver our packages and possibly stop bad guys in their tracks. In what ways do you think drones will help humans? Let me […]
Today I want to take you on a journey into the world of user experience, or UX. What is user experience really. You can tell a story of what somebody would do if they came to your website and say what it is from point A to point Z, tell me a story of what […]
In this episode of Future Tech I give you a couple of reasons why I think Why we Need Self Driving Cars. Commuting is a huge waste of time, mobile offices could be a thing, and accidents would dramatically decrease. And of course we are wasting valuable resources in traffic! Listen to the Podcast episode […]
In this episode I talk about the recent surge in the price of Bitcoin. The news reported that Tesla purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin and many investment companies have been buying hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. Every day people have FOMO (fear of missing out) and have been […]
In this new series Future Tech, I pick a topic about the future in technology and discuss my thoughts and opinions on what we might experience. This weeks topic is Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity. How will AI impact the evolution of humans and what marvels of science and technology will the Singularity bring when […]
From GPS to the iPhone, life saving medical devices, and even predicting the weather, space exploration has helped humanity in more ways than meet the eye. In this episode I discuss the several industries in which sending rockets into orbit and astronauts onto a space station has helped humans throughout the past half century. If […]