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- +1-800-456-478-23
What is Real in a World of Social Constructs
Jason Sherman Area 51, Featured, future, Gadgets, Singularity, Tech ai, artificial intelligence, future, futuristic, singularity, space
In today’s episode of Future Tech I ask the question, what is real. Because in this world of social constructs, everything is created by people in society. Nothing is really an objective reality, because people in society say that they mean something, or a large group of people agree and accept things the way they […]
How to reverse engineer a sponsorship with Sheila Farragher-Gemma
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast business, entrepreneur, marketing, sponsorship, startup
In this episode I talk to Sheila Farragher-Gemma about how to reverse engineer a sponsorship. Sheila works with event owners and their teams to find and manage strategic partners and sponsors, streamline their business and improve their bottom line. She has a knack for finding untapped revenue streams and additional ways to leverage assets through […]
Why it’s so easy to start a new business today
In this episode, I talk about how nowadays it’s so much easier and cheaper to start a new business, whether it’s a technology startup, a brick and mortar store, or an online eCommerce store. Over the years, starting a new business has gotten much cheaper. The reason this topic popped up for me is because […]
How to speak with confidence with Sean Tyler Foley
In this episode I talk to published author, keynote speaker, and actor Sean Tyler Foley about his days working on movie and TV sets. He gives us tips to on how to be more confident, and even how to breathe better! So tune in and hear Sean’s story and check him out at: https://www.seantylerfoley.com Listen […]
Future Tech: Brains versus Computers
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Podcast brain, computer, matrix, neural network, neuralink, virtual reality
In today’s episode of Future Tech. I’m going to talk about how the brain is like a computer, a very powerful computer. And just like a computer, the brain has storage, processing speed, memory, and energy efficiency. So I’ll cover each of those, but also I want to talk about where the brain is headed […]
How to take control of your career with Katrina Roddy
In this episode I speak with Katrina Roddy of TheCorporateBreakup.com on how she used her skills in the corporate world to take control of her career and become an entrepreneur. She talks about how she helps others use their skills, talents, and entrepreneurial spirit but don’t know how to apply them to create their own […]
Dissecting the 10,000 hour rule
Listen to the Podcast episode here: Or Watch the Video here: Here’s the transcript from this podcast episode, please excuse any typos! In this episode, I’m going to take apart or dissect the 10,000 hour rule. So this isn’t as much as a learning episode where I teach you something, although you might learn a […]
How to break through into entrepreneurship with Chris Howard
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups business, chris howard, entrepreneur, startups
In this episode I talk to author and entrepreneur about how he was able to break through into the world of entrepreneurship. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business, this episode is for you. Hear what Chris has to say about the process and the things you need to do in order to […]
Future Tech: Where is Virtual Reality Headed?
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Gadgets, Tech facebook, oculus, oculus rift, pokemon go, virtual reality, VR, vr headset
In today’s episode of Future Tech I talk about virtual reality. In 2014, Facebook acquired the virtual reality company Oculus for $2 Billion. At one point I bought an Oculus Rift VR headset to see what all the hype was about, and I wrote an article about it. More recently, I noticed in the news […]
The science behind a healthy relationship with Zac Stern
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups dating, entrepreneur, love, match, official, podcast, relationship, science, startup, tech, zac stern
In today’s episode I talk to Zac Stern, the founder of Official, a platform that is designed to build healthy relationships. In the current market of online dating, it might be easy to swipe right to a potential partner, but how do you stay in a relationship with them? Zac and I discuss the science […]
3 tips on creating a podcast
In today’s episode I’m going to tell you the top three things that you should do when thinking about starting a podcast. A lot of people recently have been telling me they want to start a podcast, and some of them are experts in different fields whether healthcare, history, or business. They say they want […]
Transitioning from Corporate America into an Entrepreneur with Catherine Cantey
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast accelerator, catherine cantey, corporate america, entrepreneur
In this episode I talk to Catherine Cantey, who is a tenacious connector and recovering banker. She is a leadership coach who helps people change their lives. We talk about how she transitioned from the corporate world into entrepreneurship, and how the corporate world tried to get her back like an ex-boyfriend would! We also […]