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The top 4 tips when outsourcing a project
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups, Tech business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In today’s video I’m going to give you my top four tips when outsourcing your projects. I’ve never really talked about this topic because there’s a bit of skepticism in the world in terms of outsourcing. So many clients who have come to me in the past have complained about the outsourced project they just […]
Where cloud storage is headed in the future
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Gadgets, Podcast, Tech Amazon, arweave, aws, bitcoin, blockchain, BTC, cloud, crypto, dropbox, filecoin, scp, scprime, storage, storj, xaminer
In today’s episode I talk about the difference between distributed versus centralized cloud storage with Henry Wilson, an avid community supporter of a forward thinking company disrupting the cloud storage industry called ScPrime. Most companies use Amazon AWS, or other cloud storage companies to store their massive amounts of data. But it comes at a […]
Future Tech: What the Metaverse and NFTs will look like in the future
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Podcast, Tech bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentraland, ethereum, metaverse, minecraft, nft, roblox, sandbox, virtual reality, VR
In today’s episode of Future Tech I’m excited to talk about the metaverse and NFTs. More specifically, what will they look like in the future? The metaverse is essentially a virtual world or a virtual experience, and can be in Virtual Reality (VR). Everything you can do in the real world, you can do in […]
How to use the Grit Factor in a changing world with Shannon Polson
Jason Sherman Featured, Podcast, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In this episode I talk to Shannon Polson on how to use the Grit Factor in a changing world. As one of the first women to fly the Apache helicopter in the U.S. Army, leading line units on three continents, Polson combines her passion and firsthand experience in and study of leadership and grit to […]
The sacrifices of being creative
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In today’s episode I talk about the sacrifices it takes to truly be creative. I’ve seen other people whether friends, family, or just entrepreneurs struggle with the decompression or the reentry into society after finishing a large creative project. So, this is for people out there listening or watching who want to be creative, they […]
The 5 steps to create a life you love with Gunther Mueller
Jason Sherman Area 51, entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In this episode, I talk to entrepreneur of 30 years Gunther Mueller of Dream Life Masters. Gunther explains the 5 simple but profound steps to create whatever life you choose, however most people get them wrong, because they choose an ineffective goal, or do not know how to take the correct actions. The truth is, […]
The top 3 things to look for in a mentor
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
Listen to the Podcast episode here: Or Watch the Video here: Here’s the transcript from this podcast episode, please excuse any typos! The first tip is you need someone experienced. It might be obvious to some of you to find someone experienced. But a lot of people out there I’ve noticed they just go to […]
How to trade Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency with Joseph Park of Bybit
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Money, Tech binance, bitcoin, blockchain, BTC, bybit, coinbase, crypto, cryptocurrency, doge, ETH, ethereum, money, shiba
In this episode I talk to Joseph Park from the world’s third largest cryptocurrency exchange Bybit on how to trade Bitcoin and other altcoins. The crypto market has been crazy lately, with BTC hitting an all time high of over $65,000 recently. Where is it headed, and what other coins are worth trading? Listen to […]
Future Tech: How Artificial Intelligence will affect the business world with Slater Victoroff
Jason Sherman Featured, future, Gadgets, Singularity, Tech ai, aliens, artificial intelligence, future, futuristic, nasa, scifi, space
In this episode of Future Tech I talk to Slater Victoroff of Indico about How Artificial Intelligence will affect the business world. We already use AI every day in our lives, whether we know it or not. But the question is, where is AI headed? Will robots take over the Earth, or will AI help […]
Top 3 things to avoid when starting a business with Terri Levine
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups business, college, education, entrepreneur, lean, learn, money, podcast, startup, student, success, technology, vlog
In this episode I talk to Dr. Terri Levine about the top 3 things to avoid when starting a business. In the ruthless world of business, we all need a little bit of heart, and who better to give us heart than the Heartpreneur. Terri has had some great experiences and stories that she tells […]
3 reasons to embrace failure
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Podcast, Startups, Tech business, entrepreneur, failure, learn, startup, success
In this episode, I give you three reasons why you should embrace failure. You might see the news highlighting successful entrepreneurs or startups that raised $100 million, or they were purchased by a bigger company for $1 billion. The news glamorizes successful celebrities, musicians, authors, or just people in the entertainment industry who succeeded because […]
How to build a landing page with Nathan Bynum
Jason Sherman entrepreneurship, Featured, Startups, Tech, Universities entrepreneur, landing page, nathan bynum, website
In this episode I talk to entrepreneur and web developer Nathan Bynum on how to create a landing page for your business. Not only that but we touch on a few points as to why you should create one in the first place. Learn some simple tips to build a landing page from yours truly, […]