Future Tech: Unveiling the Power of AI and Originality with Jonathan Gillham

Future Tech: Unveiling the Power of AI and Originality with Jonathan Gillham

In this episode of Future Tech, I speak with Jonathan Gillham, the Founder and CEO of Originality.AI, about the groundbreaking role of artificial intelligence in the realms of content creation and verification. Launched in November 2022, before the advent of ChatGPT, Originality.AI was driven by Jonathan’s foresight into the transformative wave of generative AI, which he leveraged for SEO through his agency. With the full unleashing of ChatGPT and GPT-4, Jonathan’s insight into the necessity for a contemporary plagiarism checker has culminated in Originality.AI, featuring advanced functionalities including scan history, detection scores, shareable results, and team access. Find out why my startup Spinnr became one of the first customers of Originality.AI in this episode!

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Jason Sherman