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Why Raising Money for Your Tech Startup Is a Waste of Time
Jason Sherman Featured, Money, Startups, Uncategorized bootstrapped, entrepreneur, funding, investor, minimum viable product, money, mvp, seed round, series a, startup, tech, technology, university, vcLeave a Comment on Why Raising Money for Your Tech Startup Is a Waste of Time
Unless you live in California, New York, or another city full of investors, raising money can be a daunting challenge. Pitching to investors isn’t just standing in a room with a PowerPoint for 10 minutes explaining what your company does. It’s so much more. Yes you have to spend a lot of time creating the […]
FemmeHacks Female Coding Hackathon Recap
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups, Uncategorized, Universities college, entrepreneur, minimum viable product, mobile, mvp, startup, student, tech, technology, universityLeave a Comment on FemmeHacks Female Coding Hackathon Recap
On Friday, February 27, 2015, female students from Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Rutgers University, and Bryn Mawr College gathered together to compete in the FemmeHacks Hackathon. 125 total women expressed interest in the competition and the event was sold out. Over 36 women showed up to the Hackathon and 7 teams presented projects […]
What it’s Like to Date the CEO of a Tech Startup
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups, Uncategorized ceo, dating, entrepreneur, startupLeave a Comment on What it’s Like to Date the CEO of a Tech Startup
Let me start by saying that being the CEO of a tech startup is similar to being the parent of a child. As the CEO, your job is to nurture your baby, make sure it has everything it needs to grow, and help it succeed overall. This means that your mind is always thinking about […]
Pilot Philly High School Hackathon Recap
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups, Uncategorized, Universities bootstrapped, college, competition, drexel, entrepreneur, iphone, minimum viable product, startup, student, tech, technology, temple, university, upennLeave a Comment on Pilot Philly High School Hackathon Recap
On Friday, January 30, high school students from around the area gathered together for a 24 hour Hackathon at University of Pennsylvania. The goal of the 100 students was to create a new web or mobile application under 24 hours within the following categories: Most creative Most useful every day Best education app Best social […]
How to Use Data to Drive Your Decisions for Your Company
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups, Uncategorized bootstrapped, college, data, data driven decisions, entrepreneur, lean methodology, minimum viable product, startup, student, tech, technology, universityLeave a Comment on How to Use Data to Drive Your Decisions for Your Company
Most people think marketing for a company is as easy as posting some content on your Facebook page, Tweeting, posting a picture on Instagram with some hashtags, and then maybe writing a blog post. In all actuality, it’s much bigger than that. In a broad sense, it’s cyclical. What’s starts out as a piece of […]
What the Future Holds for the Philadelphia Technology Ecosystem
Jason Sherman Featured, Money, Startups, Tech, Uncategorized angel, bootstrapped, entrepreneur, funding, investor, minimum viable product, money, seed round, series a, startup, tech, technology, vcLeave a Comment on What the Future Holds for the Philadelphia Technology Ecosystem
If you live in Philadelphia or if you move to Philadelphia and you start a new company, you’ll notice there are plenty of networking events that you can go to. During these events you’ll meet lots of wonderful people, smart people, passionate people, and you’ll hear a lot about the “tight-knit, tech community in Philadelphia”. […]
Five Tips to be a Tech Entrepreneur
Jason Sherman Featured, Tech, Uncategorized analytics, bootstrapped, Codecademy, Coursera, entrepreneur, Khan Academy, startup, student, Team Treehouse, tech, technology, UdemyLeave a Comment on Five Tips to be a Tech Entrepreneur
If you have ever thought of becoming a tech entrepreneur, 2015 is probably the best year to start. Programming courses are abundant and easier than ever with sites like Codecademy, Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, Team Treehouse, and so many others. Servers are either cheap or free, social media marketing is also free or cheap. And […]
Tech Startup Vocabulary 101 For Real
Jason Sherman Featured, Startups, Tech, Uncategorized bootstrapped, college, entrepreneur, funding, investor, minimum viable product, mobile, mvp, opinion, review, seed round, startup, tech, techcrunch, technology, university, vcLeave a Comment on Tech Startup Vocabulary 101 For Real
TechCrunch posted an article two days ago called How To Speak Startup. It seems as if a lot of people were counting on the article to have actual answers to what these terms mean in the world of tech startups. Well since I am an active CEO in a tech startup, and I use these […]
Drexel Entrepreneurial Law Clinic Helps Tech Startups with their Legal Needs
Jason Sherman Startups, Tech, Uncategorized, Universities college, drexel, legal help, student, tech, technology, universityLeave a Comment on Drexel Entrepreneurial Law Clinic Helps Tech Startups with their Legal Needs
Many people often dream about starting their own business, whether it’s a new product they came up with, a new website idea, a clothing line, something that would help the environment, or countless other ideas people dream of. The thing is, people are afraid to pursue their dreams because it’s a big risk to spend […]
How Online Dating is Fueling the Economy in America
Jason Sherman Money, Uncategorized dating, online dating, tech, technology, tinderLeave a Comment on How Online Dating is Fueling the Economy in America
So you’ve been talking to someone on a dating site, either through email, text messages, or even on the phone, and you feel a connection. Well now it’s time to meet in person, and if you are a guy, you have to pick a place to meet, drive there, pay for gas and parking, then […]
What it’s like to Raise Money from Philadelphia Investors
Jason Sherman Money, Startups, Tech, Uncategorized angel, bootstrapped, entrepreneur, funding, investor, minimum viable product, money, seed round, series a, startup, tech, technology, vcLeave a Comment on What it’s like to Raise Money from Philadelphia Investors
Let me start off by saying I love Philadelphia. I was born and raised in this unique city and have spent the better part of my years here. I also spend a lot of my free time volunteering my skills to the tech community to help spread awareness for countless startups. This includes filming events, […]
Seed Round Limbo: Why Getting a Signed Term Sheet Isn’t the Hardest Part
Jason Sherman Money, Startups, Tech, Uncategorized bootstrapped, entrepreneur, funding, investor, minimum viable product, mobile, money, mvp, seed round, series a, startup, tech, technology, vcLeave a Comment on Seed Round Limbo: Why Getting a Signed Term Sheet Isn’t the Hardest Part
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told that the hardest part about raising money is convincing a lead investor to give you a term sheet (and sign it). Ironically, it’s usually an investor who tells me this. Well I’d love to go back to all of those investors and tell them “Look, […]